Jojoba oil is an extract of the jojoba plant, specifically from the seeds. Ever since it was discovered as an largely superior alternative to whale oil in 1971 it has grown tremendously in popularity being used in thousands of beauty products, and being sold on its own by many companies worldwide. It is little wonder why since it has so many uses and health benefits such as.....

Its antimicrobial: Jojoba oil is very good at killing several different kinds of harmful microbe, like P. acnes the bacteria responsible for most breakouts as well as most fungi.

Gentle on the human body: In fact it is very similar to the oil our skin produces naturally, and as a result is noncomedogenic, nonacnegenic, and nontoxic. It is even edible, though it cannot be digested and may cause issues with stool.

Powerful antioxidant: Like many other natural extracts jojoba oil has the ability to block free radicals responsible for aging as well as many diseases such as cancer. This is largely due to its high content volume of other antioxidants such as vitamin E.

All in all jojoba oil is a very powerful product with the potential to greatly aid in getting rid of one's acne problems, while at the same time helping with many other health aspects. Try it and decide for yourself if this wonderful product is right for you, heres one of my favorite brands: